Thursday, July 12, 2007


I really didn't want to draw tonight. I actually wanted to go watch a late screening of Harry Potter, but they were all sold out. I then decided I would make an icebox cake, just so I wouldn't spend another night drawing (and considering that the last time I made an icebox cake I was in my teens, that says something!). Then I watched videos and downloaded files. But it was inevitable, I'd have to make a drawing.

I thought I'd just do a really quick, rough sketch, but as so often happens when I draw, the drawing takes on a life of its own. It's still a little rough edged, but considering the image, I think it kinda works. The badly-rendered face I started with turned into something that was off-kilter and not necessarily model beautiful, but stark. Even the pose is awkward in a way I find interesting, with mistakes in linework becoming part of her oddly straight yet imperfect stance. Needless to say I'm kinda liking the final result, flawed as it is. It started out as a Black Queen costume redesign (from the X-men) but I think it would be much cooler if it was actually Sage. A nasty, killer version.


Unknown said...

dark, but nice composition...i like the colors

George G said...

It's funny, Jo, but we've said more to each other in the past few months that you've been posting comments that in the years before I had this blog. Interesting how that works nowadays.

So, when are you getting your won blog, hmm?

Unknown said...

i'm afraid to get my own blog because i tend to get glued on the computer for hours!!! its so addicting! i may change my mind sometime in the future. and i'm glad we're talking again after all these years. :-)

by the way, i've been drawing though i havent been sending to you. remember that monster-bird drawing? i actually drew voltes-V getting attacked by it, upon your suggestion, hehe...just cant find where i put it!