Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Virgo, finished

So my version of a super-hero named after a Zodiac is Virgo. Very similar to another CBR member's interpretation, her main power is that she heals herself, not unlike Wolverine. Not the most original when thought in those terms but appropos, methinks. Plus she's kind of a violent sort too, but I think from an interesting angle: her healing factor is mystical in nature, brought about by the fact that was killed - drowned - in a fountain of youth. So she died and was reborn, and now can never die again... and she's sick of life. I like the idea of taking what the name Virgo may stand for for most people - virginity and purity - and turning it on its ear.

Virgo's a sadomasochistic, perverted soul because she's lived too long. Violently strong, highly resilient and nearly invulnerable because of her origin, but as a result of her advanced healing factor, she can barely feel. Her body is immune to all but the most intense stimuli and continually being renewed to a pristine, "virginal" state, that Virgo has become numb to the world. She now only reacts to the most extreme physical sensations, as her healing factor has dulled her own senses through the centuries, and rendered her mentally unstable. She seeks out violence and pain, causing it in hopes of she'll get as much as she gives, so she can feel. It's a fix. I imagine even her fighting style is limited to close quarters, allowing her to cause pain and suffering up close and personal, to allow her adversaries to have equal access to her to hopefully return the same in kind. Even Virgo's costume is intentionally dangerous to herself, and she is constantly impaling her own body on the spikes she adorns her body with because she knows she's gonna heal anyway. Her 'signature move' is rough and sexually violent - she prefers to kill her victims by wrapping her legs around them and crushing them at the same time extending the spikes built into her boots (yeah, a little Xenia Onatopp, but I'm running with it) . There's definitely a sexual interplay in her chosen coup de grace. She gets a sexual thrill from causing pain, since intense pain is the only thing she can truly feel, so she associates pain with her own pleasure. She's so violently out of touch, literally and figuratively, that I think if this were a comic book, the story possibilities would be very interesting. My friend Justin thinks she's very Claremontian...

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