Monday, February 23, 2009


A friend messaged me that his new inspiration was the new style editor of Elle, and after perusing a few images of looks I agreed that she was just super modern and chic, and much edgier than her predecessor. I did a quick sketch based on my impression of her.


moho said...

Oh boy -- did she replace Anne Slowey?

I watched Stylista last Fall as one of my less favorable guilty pleasures, and I don't know how Slowey functioned in her role as fashion editor at Elle. The woman was, as far as the show presented her, a dramatic mess.

This woman, Kate Lanphear, is all sorts of incredible, isn't she? I'm already enthralled from the little research I've done.

George G said...

No, Kate replaced Nina Garcia. I think Ann Slowey is EIC, if I'm not mistaken? I haven't really paid attention to Elle... or women's fashion magazines in general, I'm afraid.