Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dazzler 2010

I was reading about the new Dazzler one shot and found that my Dazzler drawing from three years back is right on the front page of Google's image search. Not only that, it appears several times, because at least one other guy used it to illustrate Dazz herself. Now that in and of itself wouldn't be a problem, if I didn't realize how awkward my anatomy was on that piece. It's weird, I can't find the original high rez files on my hard drive, so maybe I never saved a high rez version (which I always do now). But since it was in the first third of this blog's existence, its quite possible it never got saved that way. But I'm embarrassed about how detailed this piece is, yet Dazzler's head is so disproportionately huge! So I'm correcting it now with a 2010 version. This is the start of it.

Have to say though, the costume still looks pretty cool three years later.

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