Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Penis of Willendorf

So that's the idea. I came up with the pun on my own when an attendee remarked on a statue at Charles Lahti's studio, saying it reminded her of the Venus of Willendorf, except more phallic. I chimed in, "The Penis of Willendorf?"

I actually googled and found a couple of people had already done their own versions, one a sculpture and another some rough drawings. I personally like mine. And I also find it gross. But I wanted the saggy, overly voluptuous quality of the original Venus (who is incindentally also the inspiration for my character Zenaida).

Of course now that I've made it, what do I do with it??


Izzy said...

oh my goodness. it's brilliant! phallic, haunting!

Joanie said...

Astonishingly detailed and intriguing. I gotta see this rendered in stone now. You know, just because.