Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurrican Sandy: Blackout, Night 4

On my way home from uptown each night, I would walk down Seventh Avenue and pass by a TD Bank on the last block before the first block which didn't have electricity. It was such a stark contrast, as all the street lights, windows and storefronts were dark. In the bank's ATM vestibule however were a few guys camped out, 3 nights in a row. They were plugging their laptops into extension cords, and just hanging out sitting in the vestibule floor. I made note to do a quick sketch of the scene.


Joanie said...

I'm super happy to know you made it through in one piece and kept checking in to make sure you were okay. Plus, I knew you'd have stories to tell. And drawings. You didn't disappoint!

George G said...

Thanks, Joanie. Where I'm from we had typhoons several times a year, so the main problem is that NY doesn't, so it wasn't built to deal with this kind of weather.